As defines it, a renaissance is “the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.”  During the Renaissance, society transformed from Feudal society to a more organized and modern society. There was an increase of popularity in the fields of art, music, literature, and learning in general.  People began learning for learning’s sake; which is why artists and other common people mostly became more creative, and started showing individualism in their works.  Great artists like Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, El Grecco, and Michelangelo became well known for their works.  There were many writers, also.  The big thing in literature at the time was the sonnet.  Sonnets were difficult, which led to them becoming popular.  Some great literature minds who were alive during the renaissance are William Shakespeare, Petrarch, and Machiavelli.  The Renaissance brought about serious change in the way people lived in Europe, impacting art, literature, and learning.
3 good websites to visit if you are interested in Renaissance art



3.  art on the web
This is a time line of events in the Renaissance.  Scroll from side to side to see all the events in order.  If you are experiencing difficulties viewing this timeline click here for a link to the website.

Do you want quick information about the Renaissance art period?  Go to the link below!